What is Sini Calligraphy?
Arabic Calligraphy is one of the most exquisite calligraphic arts in the world. It is an artistic treasure house, containing the cultural essence, of Islam. I feel it is my duty-bound responsibility to popularize and promote this art. I am determined to produce my works in a way that allows as many as possible Muslim families to own them, and to display them in their own homes, in order that even more people may know and appreciate this art. God willing, they may strengthen their Iman through exposure to this kind of art work. I have committed myself to diligently use my hands, and the intelligence Allah Almighty has blessed me with, in the promotion and development of the Islamic Arts.
The Art of Arabic Calligraphy
In the forest of arts stands the rare flower,
Scenting the kaleidoscopic world with its aspirations for beauty.
Transformed we have, into conduits of grace and elegance,
Emulating the great Muslim calligraphers of the past,
Whose beneficence to the arts had shook the world.
May their names be forever etched in the books of Islamic history.
Haji Noor Deen Mi Guangjiang
Written in the Chinese House for the Arts of Islamic Arabic Calligraphy
(Guang Ji De Gallery) in Zhengzhou, China, in 31 May. 2013

Arabic Calligraphy in the Chinese Tradition
After Islam spread to China, the Chinese Muslims incorporated some characteristics of Chinese calligraphy into traditional Arabic calligraphy ...
Haji Noor Deen Interview
An interview with Al Jazeera about his works and achievements.
Get Ijaza in Turkey
The first Chinese Calligrapher to be honored by the Ottoman Calligraphy School, Turkey, in 2017.

The Art of Making Sini Calligraphy
There are two major techniques of classical writing are differentiated by their tools: the hard brush style, [one] uses a piece of bamboo, a wood stick, or a carved animal bone implement to write; and the soft brush style, [one] uses a brush made of wool, hair, or plant fibers to make a writing implement ...
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Guang Ji De Gallery
The Chinese House for the Arts of Islamic Arabic Calligraphy
On October 31, 2009, Haji Noor Deen Mi Guangjiang, the world-renowned (Chinese Muslim Master Calligrapher, would make this more distinguished, because not everyone does both) Arabic calligrapher, formally inaugurated the Chinese House for the Arts of Islamic Arabic Calligraphy (Chinese: Guang Ji De Gallery), in Zhengzhou in the Henan Province of China. Planning and preparation for the Chinese House have been extensive, since the initial conception in December 28, 1998.
As the only academic organization of its kind dealing with Arabic calligraphy in China, the Chinese House acquires traditional Chinese manuscripts and calligraphic works of the Holy Quran and trains professional calligraphers around the world in the "Sini"(Arabic of Calligraphy in Chinese Tradition) Chinese style of Arabic calligraphy. Further, this institution also studies the origins, historical development, and stylistic trends of the Sini masters and their exceptional calligraphy. It collaborates with museums, universities, research centers, international conferences, and galleries to present calligraphy exhibitions, lectures, and workshops. The Chinese House provides services such as Islamic-themed art and home decorations, design consultations, and participation in world-wide Arabic calligraphy functions and events.
The Chinese House for the Arts of Islamic Arabic Calligraphy aims to improve our national and cultural aesthetic. This, in turn, leads to a harmonious society by promoting beautiful Chinese traditional works of art. We hope in this way to strengthen the communication and friendship between China and Arabic countries.