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Browse Book


Arabic Calligraphy in the Chinese Tradition

Haji Noor Deen has created 158 Arabic calligraphic works in traditional Chinese style, with numerous calligraphic styles, beautifully printed and framed.

The Study of Arabic Calligraphy in Chinesse Tradition

The book focuses on how Arabic calligraphy was introduced into China, and presents theories and research results on the "transplantation period" of foreign Arabic calligraphy into China, the "intermingling period" of softness with Chinese culture, and the "maturity period" of development in China. Published by Beijing University Press in 2018

Appreciation of Arabic Calligraphy - 600 Types of Familiar Basmala

Enjoy 600 types of Basmala created and written by renowned foreign artists in Arabic calligraphy, with detailed and illustrated content. Published by Shanxi Travel & Tourism Press in 2000

Q&A of Islamic Art

A six-chapter series of 71 answers in a question-and-answer format on matters relating to Islamic art. Published by Gansu Nationalities Publishing House in 2011